It was a rough, tough weekend. I was so sick Friday, didnt do hardly anything but sit or lie in bed staring at the tv with my mouth hanging open, I dont even really remember what was on. I was able to cut up a few pieces of paper, in case I did make it to the crop on Sat. I felt alittle bit better Sat morning and loaded up the van to go to the crop. It's a very good thing I have a GPS, because if that little voice had not told me where to go, I never would had made it. And thank goodness I had Roxie there, she helped keep me well medicated thru the day and night, I wouldnt have made it without her, plus she ALWAYS helps me pack up all my crap at the end of the night. Thank you Roxie, I love you!!!
I spent probably over 2 hrs just moving stuff around before I got any work done at all. It was a good crop and they made lots of money for CF, so it was a success for them.
I met some nice, interesting ladies from Florisant, and we had a lively conversation about pumpkin bread, raisins, doing a public service, a good quality bra, a smiley face and false eyelashes. If you see me ask me about this and I will be happy to fill you in.
Needless to say, I really should have stayed home on Sat and rested, but no, I went to the crop( I felt obligated, because I knew some newbies were coming), by the time I got home and got winded down, it was after midnight. Come Sun morning I felt like total crap and spent another day sitting and laying around, staring at the tv with my mouth hanging open again. I atleast remember a little bit about what was on that day.
I hate being sick and down, not feeling well, I get nothing done, and then I am pissy the next day, cause there is so much stuff that needs to be done. And I still dont feel like doing it.
So here is hoping that tomorrow is a better healthier day.