Friday, March 6, 2009

Growing up

Wow, they grow up so fast!! Where has the time gone???? This is my baby, Austin, he is 11, going on 20. He was getting dressed for church. Usually he will dress pretty causally, but on this day he wanted to get all dressed up. He showed me the outfit before he put it on and was holding a black tie. He said "mom,I was going to wear this tie with the suit, but I think I will save it for when I get married and wear at my wedding" OOOOHHHHHH, just makes my heart melt. So instead he picked out a striped tie. He just looked so grown up with the jacket, dress shoes, belt. He can even tie his own neck tie himself. I didnt have time to take the picture before we left for church so I had to take when we got home, he had already taken the tie off in the van. He had enough of being dressed up by then.

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