Monday, May 18, 2009

Who can you trust anymore????

The boys are always asking if they can go spend some time with Tonya and Albert. I thought is was because they enjoy their company, cause they are just big kids themselves and like playing video games. Or because they LOVE their dog Buddy, he is just a big lap dog.....but no, it is none of those things....Tonya and Albert, the sweet young couple from West Virgina,that we met through church, that we have welcomed as our own family....let our boys DRINK!!!! And this is a picture of the results!!!!!!!!!!

I got a call from Brendan the other night, he and Austin were spending the night at Tonya and Albert's home. Brendan calls and says "mom check your email, we sent you a picture" I am thinking oh how cute, a picture of the boys with Buddy maybe. I open it up and this is what I see. What the-----!!!!
I laughed so the belly Albert! The bottles are actually grape soda.

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Anonymous said...

Who said anything about it being grape soda!? ha-ha Albert and I always enjoy having the boys over. It's good for Albert to have someone his own age (mentality) to play with! :P

Megan said...

Doesn't look like grape soda to me!!!! I know these two and you can't trust them. They are from Virginia you know.

Anonymous said...

WEST!!! It's WEST Virginia! LOL